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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pierluisi To Be Sworn In to New Congress Tomorrow

WASHINGTON, DC- The Resident Commissioner, Pedro Pierluisi, who will be sworn in tomorrow as a member of the 112th Congress, said that he is prepared to confront the challenges that lie ahead in the next two years.

The swearing-in ceremony for members of the incoming Congress will take place tomorrow afternoon and will be led by the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner.

“I am ready to continue my work on behalf of the people of Puerto Rico in this new Congress. My pledge is to work with the utmost passion, determination and intensity to advance the welfare of my constituents,” said Pierluisi.

The Resident Commissioner recognized that, under the new Republican leadership in the House, he will face greater challenges, like defending against any proposed cut to the billions of dollars in funding allocated to Puerto Rico in the previous Congress, especially with respect to the Affordable Care Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“Last Congress, I waged the necessary battles to obtain just treatment for Puerto Rico. As a result, we made great strides under legislation pertaining to the economy, health, public safety, infrastructure, and education, among others. During the congressional session that begins tomorrow, my responsibilities are even greater. I will be attentive to the impact that all pending legislation would have on Puerto Rico and will always defend our rights as American citizens,” said Pierluisi.